Ugh. Life has been hectic since my last posting, with me completing some things I post under a different name. That being said, I thought I’d make an announcement regarding my next free story.
The next story is planned out, and I have some clever little plot twists in mind for it. It will be titled Flies In The Ointment, and it will feature, as protagonists, Miss Americana and Fly Woman, and as antagonists, the Mayhem twins, Menace and Mischief, as well as a new villain. It will also dive into part of Sasha‘s past, and the title implies a major wrinkle for the series to sort out. Hopefully, in the next few days, I can get my normal teaser of things to come ready and posted.
On a side note, during one of my jaunts online in the past few weeks, I came across something disturbing. I believe I came across someone offering my works for free. This is very disturbing since I don‘t have many published works out there, and those I do offer, I usually keep a very low prices. I know I don‘t sell that many, which in part had been due to a massive load of stuff I‘m working on, but as I am still a budding writer, every time someone does this, it hurts me. I‘m not someone like Stephen King, or J. K. Rowling, who has millions of copies of my works in print. I am myself, who only makes, at best, a few buck a month on this stuff. If any of you come across this, please report them. If you want my works, please pay for them. This hurts more since mid March, I had experimented with having everything a dollar cheaper. The results had been disappointing, so as of this posting, the prices return to normal.
That being said, if you want to pick up a copy of my stuff, here are the links below.
The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)
The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)
The Thief’s Folly (Book 3 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)
Until next memo
Mr. Klimstit