Well, another year is almost over. I’d like to say I had accomplished more with this year, but sadly, life kept throwing me curve balls. Still, with all the downsides, I need to try to focus on the positive. For that reason, I am going forward with my goals for the next year.
First off, let’s start with the one of the free projects. Flies in the Ointment is the ninteenth story that I’ve embarked on in the main series of stories I contribute to Mr. X’s free site. I only have the first sentence written, but the whole story is planed out. Hopefully, I can get a teaser bit up before the end of January, and the whole story up before the end of the year. If things go well, I might even be able to start in on story twenty.
With that over with, let’s look at my e-publications.
First off, The Contaminated Couture is still in the works. Hopefully, I will be able to get the rest of this story together, and published before the end of June. Once it goes up for sale, I will be initiate part of a new change which I will go into a little later. This story will be the first story featuring a new heroine named White Cloud. A teaser for this was in my recent e-publication, The Real Winner.
Second, Stealing From The King, the first story that will have the lead of Elsanne, the thief who first appeared in The Thief’s Folly. This story, while planned out, must get changed. The plot came to me during the course of the 2016 election, which I will admit, did not go the way I figured it would go. Because of this, and in the name of good taste, I must refigure who our main antagonist is. Once I have that figured out, I shall start yping it up. That should be before the end of the year.
Covering those two titles, I have to start plotting out Aquamarine’s next adventure. As of right now, I’m not sure what that will be, but it should be interesting once I figure it out. Speaking of her, however, I am also announcing a new event. Starting on January 1st, probably when this entry is posted, I will be beginning offering some of my works in Paperback format. The cost will most likely be the same. Hopefully, this will allow more of you to be able to enjoy my published works. After that, when a new publication comes out, I will be doing the same with another older works. This also means all my publications will be limited to Amazon. Given the biggest bulk of my sales come from Amazon, this should not change things too much.
That is all I have for now, but please keep an eye out for things. I will share the link once the change is done with The Hidden Truth.