Well, again it has been a bit since I posted. That has been because I’ve been a bit busy. Now, since I am still waiting on the cover image for my next e-publication, I thought I’d give you a bit of insight to my loyal associate, Scarlett.
First off, while I address her as Scarlett most times, her full name is Vivian Scarlett. Scarlett wasn’t her last original last name, but Vivian is her true first name. She had come to my side of her own free will, and with her own reasons.
Prior to joining me, she was a member of a group of super heroines. It was during that time that she located me, and offered to join my organization. To do so, she betrayed her team, and even framed another member to look like she had betrayed the group.
She has proven to be very good in helping develop products in the company, and quickly rose to the head of Research and Development. This also means that she personally takes care of any matter that requires anything questionable, able to make it look like it had a legal reason to be procured. Since she also enjoys a good milking, she joined into my Inner Circle, but not as my original second in command.
She became my second in command when her predecessor made one too many attempts to go against certain wishes of mine. Her loyalty, however, has allowed her to be allowed some leeway when it came to certain matters, as long as she paid for her transgressions.
She had also been instrument in recruiting other new members to the Inner Circle. Also, with her past, she gives insight into capturing heroines, as well as what thoughts usually go through their heads.
It should be noted that Scarlett is also the current generation descended from one of the worshippers of The Goddess. She wears a ring which has a special power for healing. It is this ring that allows her to use her powers a bit, even when breathing in my special gas. This gives her a special edge in the Inner Circle, one that the others respect.
Scarlett is also in charge of at least one of my legal side ventures. It helps since in the event of my being indisposed, she can take over things until a time where I am no longer indisposed.
There is more to be known about Scarlett, but this is the basics for the time being. Next post, I may delve into how she came about, or one of the other ladies in the Inner Circle.
As always, check out my works, and my epublications as follows, and please subscribe to my blog.
My Deviant Art page:
The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)
The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)
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