Saturday, December 31, 2016

End of the 2016 update.

Well, another year is almost over.  I’d like to say I had accomplished more with this year, but sadly, life kept throwing me curve balls.  Still, with all the downsides, I need to try to focus on the positive.  For that reason, I am going forward with my goals for the next year.

First off, let’s start with the one of the free projects.  Flies in the Ointment is the ninteenth story that I’ve embarked on in the main series of stories I contribute to Mr. X’s free site.  I only have the first sentence written, but the whole story is planed out.  Hopefully, I can get a teaser bit up before the end of January, and the whole story up before the end of the year.  If things go well, I might even be able to start in on story twenty.

With that over with, let’s look at my e-publications.

First off, The Contaminated Couture is still in the works.  Hopefully, I will be able to get the rest of this story together, and published before the end of June.  Once it goes up for sale, I will be initiate part of a new change which I will go into a little later.  This story will be the first story featuring a new heroine named White Cloud.  A teaser for this was in my recent e-publication, The Real Winner.

Second, Stealing From The King, the first story that will have the lead of Elsanne, the thief who first appeared in The Thief’s Folly.  This story, while planned out, must get changed.  The plot came to me during the course of the 2016 election, which I will admit, did not go the way I figured it would go.  Because of this, and in the name of good taste, I must refigure who our main antagonist is.  Once I have that figured out, I shall start yping it up.  That should be before the end of the year.

Covering those two titles, I have to start plotting out Aquamarine’s next adventure.  As of right now, I’m not sure what that will be, but it should be interesting once I figure it out.  Speaking of her, however, I am also announcing a new event.  Starting on January 1st, probably when this entry is posted, I will be beginning offering some of my works in Paperback format.  The cost will most likely be the same.  Hopefully, this will allow more of you to be able to enjoy my published works.  After that, when a new publication comes out, I will be doing the same with another older works.  This also means all my publications will be limited to Amazon.  Given the biggest bulk of my sales come from Amazon, this should not change things too much.

That is all I have for now, but please keep an eye out for things.  I will share the link once the change is done with The Hidden Truth.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Fourth Adventure of Aquamarine is out.

Well, it has been a little while since my last memo, and part of that has been because a very busy home life, which includes chaperoning a trip, prepping for the holidays, and real life in general.  Plus, with the current election, it has all been overwhelming, especially with my writing.  Despite that, I’ve manage to accomplish something, so here it is.

I am proud to say that I finally completed one of the three epublications I had plotted out.  This one, entitled The Real Winner, involve Aquamarine in her fourth adventure, once again having her face off against Mr. Klimstit.  There is, however, one twist.  This time, he’s not the villain she’s going after.  This time, two thugs have broken into his warehouse.  Why did they do that?  What does Aquamarine do?  You will have to find out in The Real Winner.  Also included with The Real Winner is a bit of the first adventure featuring the heroine White Cloud as the protagonist.  She first appeared in The Thief’s Folly, and I recommend you pick it up.  It is available on Amazon, Smashwords and on Barnes And Nobles Nook.  The links are below.

Barnes and Noble:

On another note, a story featuring Elsanne, the thief whose spirit is passed on to another in The Thief’s Folly, won’t be done yet.  The main antagonist of that story had been planned to be a slight parody of one of the candidates.  For that reason, the character will be changed before I start writing it.  There for, once I have it figured out, I shall get going on it.  Hopefully, before Christmas, I can get more of my next free story done.

That’s all I have, in a nutshell.  As always, here are all the links to my stuff.  Buy the E-publications, and read the free stuff.

Mr. Klimstit

, The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Thief’s Folly (Book 3 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Announcing an upcoming publication.

Alright, I know I’ve been quiet again for a bit.  Life has been running me round in circles.  That being said, you’ll be happy to know that My fourth epublication is nearing completion.  I recently finished proofreading it, and once I get done with the final edit, I will be ready to post it up for sale.

Now, what all will this include.  Well, for the first time, I plan to suggest previous stories in the series.  I also plan to add at least a teaser for one of my next two epublications.  I had hoped to get three done this year, one especially before Election Day in the United States, but given who I will be parodying, might be best I didn’t get it done in time.  I had introduced new characters in The Thief’s Folly, and they will be getting series of their own.  I will also include the titles of other works in the series.

That being said, I can hope I can get another one done by the end of the year, but given how hectic my main job gets after Thanksgiving, I would not be surprised if no more epublications come out this year.  That being said, however, I shall be looking to get a cover image together soon, and once it is read, and the final editing is done, I shall be putting up the next of my series for sale.

As always, I share the links to all my other things, and ask you to keep coming back here for more updates on my works.

Mr. Klimstit

, The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Thief’s Folly (Book 3 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

Until next memo

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Some news after months of silence

I know it has been a while since I posted on here, and part of that has been because of a very busy summer.  As some of you are aware, I am a family in real life, and I have a day job.  It is for this reason why I have been on the quiet side this past Summer.  Having one’s child around requires more secrecy when typing my work.  Couple that with catching up on various projects under my real name, and it has caused a delay in other things.

Now, this doesn’t mean I have been idle.  No.  I have managed to get progress done on some projects.  First off, I’ve managed to make progress on Aquamarine’s next adventure.  I am hoping to be done with it in the near future.

I also have been working on the first story feature a heroine who debuted in The Thief’s Folly.  The heroine White Cloud will have her first adventure, which I’ve been working on.  She will be facing off against a secondary villainess from The Thief’s Folly, Rhode Island Runt.

I have been away from it, but I have a first line for my next free story, which will feature a few buxom ladies from Mr. X’s pantheon.  The heroines will be Fly Woman and Ms. Americana.  I won’t say much more right now.

There is also one more epublication planned, and I doubt it will be ready by election time, but that would be poetic if it was.  However, that might also be best.   Not the first time I worked on three stories set around the same time, at the same time.  For the time, however, I am going to try and get this ready in due time.

I would like to state now, that I have gotten updated cover art for The Thief’s Folly, and lowered the price.  It is my believe that the recycled image I had been using due to a loss of communication with Nordic Fury, as well as the higher price, led to its low sales.  With the new image, however, I am hopeful that it and the price, will lead to higher sales.

For now, here are all the links to my products.  Please pick up a copy, if you haven’t already.  A lot of work goes into these stories.

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Thief’s Folly (Book 3 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

Until next memo

Mr. Klimstit

Monday, June 20, 2016

Story 19 is planned out, and info about my publications.

Ugh.  Life has been hectic since my last posting, with me completing some things I post under a different name.  That being said, I thought I’d make an announcement regarding my next free story.

The next story is planned out, and I have some clever little plot twists in mind for it.  It will be titled Flies In The Ointment, and it will feature, as protagonists, Miss Americana and Fly Woman, and as antagonists, the Mayhem twins, Menace and Mischief, as well as a new villain.  It will also dive into part of Sasha‘s past, and the title implies a major wrinkle for the series to sort out.  Hopefully, in the next few days, I can get my normal teaser of things to come ready and posted.

On a side note, during one of my jaunts online in the past few weeks, I came across something disturbing.  I believe I came across someone offering my works for free.  This is very disturbing since I don‘t have many published works out there, and those I do offer, I usually keep a very low prices.  I know I don‘t sell that many, which in part had been due to a massive load of stuff I‘m working on, but as I am still a budding writer, every time someone does this, it hurts me.  I‘m not someone like Stephen King, or J. K. Rowling, who has millions of copies of my works in print.  I am myself, who only makes, at best, a few buck a month on this stuff.  If any of you come across this, please report them.  If you want my works, please pay for them.  This hurts more since mid March, I had experimented with having everything a dollar cheaper.  The results had been disappointing, so as of this posting, the prices return to normal.

That being said, if you want to pick up a copy of my stuff, here are the links below.

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Thief’s Folly (Book 3 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

Until next memo

Mr. Klimstit

Monday, April 18, 2016

An update on my status, as well as a dis

I know I’ve been silent for a bit, and the reason has been I’ve been busy.  Paying The Debts has been a real beast to complete.  As I’ve stated before, I ended up breaking one of my cardinal rules when it came to writing, basically doing a parody of characters that I am not overly fond of.  It had led to me working near two years on the story, and today I finally finished proofreading it.  That means soon I will be doing the final edit, and sending it off to Mr. X.  As I said, it has been a chore, and that is combined with the chaos of real life.

Also, with in the week prior to this posting, I have been working on one of the next e-publications, as well.  I’ve also lowered the price of my e-publications, seeing if this causes an increase in sales.  I must provide for my family, and this helps.  I also have other project that I do under another pen name.  Like I said, very time consuming, which has caused delays in my work.

Those notes aside, I made an unnerving discovery on Sunday.  It seems someone tried to seize control of my Deviant Arts account.  Imagine my surprised when I open my e-mail, and see a notification that I requested to change my password.  I may have not posted stuff in a while, but that doesn’t mean I’m gone, nor that someone can try to take my account from me.  Did that person think I would not find out?  I have access to my DA stuff on my tablet, and I check my e-mail on a daily basis.

That is it for now.  Hopefully, with things settling down, to an extent, I can get more writing done.  It should not be too much longer before I complete my latest free story.  As always, I invite you to check out my stuff, and purchase my e-publications.  The links will be provided here.  Take care until my next posting.

My e-mail: e-mail at

My Deviant Art page:

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Thief’s Folly (Book 3 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sorry for the delay, here is Sasha's background.

I’ve been putting this off, mainly due to the mental block I’ve had while writing, but now I shall present you with Sasha’s back story.  As I stated in a prior post, she did start via role play in a Yahoo group, but now I shall give her near full backstory.

Sasha starting her working career in the same way as many college girls do.  She worked someplace to pay for her college classes.  In her case, this was a Hooters restaurant.  Being very well endowed in the chest area, it was a perfect place for her to work.  It was also less likely for her to have to deal with the stigmata of working at a strip club.  As it turned out, she was able to advance her career, finding a job in another company.

That fortune, however, turned to misfortune.  A bomb placed in the building that her new job was located in, leading to the place to shut down.  At that time, my own people found her, and hired her on for in the Public Relations department.  It was also discovered that she had an interest of having things done to her breasts, and she was quickly brought into the inner circle.

Since then, she has been not only been the PR person for the company, but also hiding the secret criminal activity of the company.  She’s also in charge of fabricating many of the stories that lure heroines into my various traps for them.

Sasha has also been put in charge of some of the various other legal ventures I have.  This is mainly due to the fact that were anything were to happen to me that would incapacitate me, Scarlett would be needed to run the main company.

On a side note, it should also be noted that she helped me subdue the Hooters girls who had become heroines, as well she has other kinks that I had found interesting, one of which is that she loves giving blow jobs.

Again, sorry for the delay on this.  I plan to put up another memo in a few days.  Please come back often to check in, and subscribe.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year, from my office.

Well, 2015 has ended, and 2016 has begun.  So before I post anything up, and I still have the background of Sasha still ready to put up.  I shall get that up later this week, but for now, I just want to go over some writing goals for the end of they year.

First off, there were be no Halloween nor Holiday story.  At least I’m not planning one or the other yet.  Simply put, it is too much, at least for the Holiday story.  My main source of income gets very busy during the holidays, and I had to literally push to get it done by the end of New Years Eve.  I may decided to do at least a Halloween story, but I don’t think I’ll try a Holiday story this year.

Second, I plan to get Paying the Debts finished, at least by March.  This had been a very rough story to write, given that I’ve made a parody of the Sailor Scouts for in it.  This was to fulfill a request of a fan.  I’ve stated this before, but writing with a character, or characters, that you aren’t a fan of leads to great difficulty, or drivel.  I’m trying to avoid the latter.

Third, I plan to have three new epublications out by the end of the year.  Each one will feature a different protagonist.  The first one of the three will be Aquamarine’s fourth adventure.  The second of the three will feature Light Cloud, who first appeared in The Thief’s Folly, and she will be facing off against Rhode Island Runt, at least that’s the preliminary idea.  The third of the three with feature the new Elsanne.  I have a preliminary idea for a foe for her in this story, but I will go no farther on that.

That’s the basics on my plans for this year.  I’m sure I could add more to this, but this will cover it for now.  I encourage all who view this to let me know what you may want to see, or to let me know if you want another Holiday or Halloween story.

As always, my email and such follows here.  And please subscribe.

My e-mail: e-mail at

My Deviant Art page:

And at Mr. X’s free site:

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Thief’s Folly (Book 3 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)