Friday, November 6, 2015

The Thief's Folly is fully available.

Well, October has been a quiet month for writing, but part of that was because I was finally getting my epublication up.  Then, I was struggling with wanting to write.  The previous month, I had finish chapters in three different fics under a different name.  Now I‘m trying to get done the next free story for on Mr. X‘s site, as well as the Holiday story..  Time is running out for those two to be done before the holiday season.  With that stated, I’m breaking my self imposed silence sharing the links to my epublications, on Kindle, Smashwords, and Barnes and Noble.

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Thief’s Folly (Book 3 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

With all those shared, I want to announce that I plan to have three more titles come out next year, one for Aquamarine, and one of each new buxom beauty featured in The Thief’s Folly.  I won’t say much more than that, since I’m still planning the stories out.  Hopefully, in my next posting, I will go into Sasha’s background.

As always, feel free to drop me an e-mail at

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Announcing the release of The Thief's Folly on Kindle

Well, it took some time, and eventually using a prior cover image, but A Thief’s Folly is now up for sale.  This time, the price is upped a little, but that’s because it is longer than the last two.  Right now, it is only available on Amazon, but in a week’s time, I will have it available elsewhere.

Here is the link.
A Thief’s Folly

This story introduces some new characters, and I am hoping all those who read this let me know who they want to see in the next publication.  I introduce a few new characters in to the publications, each one with protagonist potential for in future stories.  I’m hoping that if you purchase a copy, you will let me know which character you’d like to see in a future story.

As always, check out my works, and my epublications as follows, and please subscribe to my blog.

My Deviant Art page:

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

Also, send me an e-mail at

Monday, October 12, 2015

How a roleplay group of unusual heroines helped shape me and Sasha.

Well, I’ve been a bit busy, but now I shall cover those heroines I have only briefly mentioned before in my memos.  I talk of the group of heroines that called themselves The Hooters Girls.

Now, I know what you are thinking.  Isn’t that the term for any waitress from that particular restaurant chain.  Yes.  It is.  That was part of the idea behind the group.  It was one of the Yahoo groups that was set up strictly for Role Play.  The idea behind it was that a couple of waitresses from Hooters had somehow gotten superpowers.  If I recall right, it was from an odd bottle of Hooters’ wing sauce.  Well, now that they had the powers, they would use them for good.  Since they were also Hooters girls, they would also use it to promote a positive image for the chain.  This also meant they would not hide their identities.

This last fact had both good, and bad points.  Not hiding their identities meant their loved ones were in danger, but it also meant that that item of potential blackmail was out.  While I tend to frown on trying to end a heroine’s career by blackmailing revealing their identity, I have to give them points for chutzpah.

I had gotten suggested to join in the role play group by a friend, and even those playing the heroines agreed that I would be a perfect foe for them.  Of course, waitresses at a breastraunt would be perfect prey for a fiend who likes to get every last drop of breast milk from them.  All we needed was a perfect encounter.

While a few side encounters happened, usually one on one scenes, to give some of the group an idea of what I offered, the first encounter with the girls in group e-mails, happened with another foe, and I used the opportunity he set up to recruit the brunette of my Inner Circle, Sasha.  I will go into her story in a future memo.

Eventually, a group scene got started in e-mails, and two more of the group made their way to my place, and ended up trapped in my maze.   I would like to say the scene ended with them drained, and in utter panic if their careers, as both heroines and waitresses were fully over, but something happened.  Apparently, some of the girls had real life issues happen, and the group went silent…mid group scene.  As it ended, one girl had been milked, another was still stuck in the maze, and a third had been rushing back from an outing to try and help them.  So what happened?

To make a long story short, the group went defunct, and their fates were up in the air.  Even I didn’t know what happened to the group, but prior to it, some of use had discussed that the special bottle of sauce might have been my doing.  Years later, one of the group ended up contacting me, and I shared with them what I had saved of the group scene (sadly, that filed got deleted in a fluke thing).  We talked some more, and we decided of a perfect homage to what had happened to the group.  She had gone into hiding, since the rest of the girls had faced a dangerous dilemma.

We had decided that the group had key members defeated by a foe who liked to turn women in to permanent breeding machines, popping out some sort of spawn on a regular basis.  The group, minus the one girl, turned to me to help stop it.  I agreed, but at a price.  The girls had to start working for me, and maintained my one branch, getting milked on a regular basis.  This allowed for the chance encounter in Pure Model of Perfect Findings.  I do plan for that young lady to appear in another story.

Well, that’s the group that led me to come up with Sasha.  Next time, I’ll go more into her background story, and even more of her creation.

Also, I may be publishing my next work this week.  The only thing is that it will have an old cover picture.  When I finally get the new picture, I will update the image then.

Until the next time, please subscribe, and even comment.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

How Scarlett came into being.

Well, in my last memo, I talked a bit about how Scarlett developed story line wise.  This time around, I thought I’d go a bit on how she came about.

Where should I start?  Well, she was not the original second in command.  Prior to her, if I needed a female by my side in scenes, it was a mock heroine I came up with whose unofficial name was “Dairy Maid”  She was usually referred to as “DM”.  After I joined one of the various role play groups on Yahoo, I felt DM had to be phased out.  Thus, Scarlett was born.

She had been introduced as my second in command, but all that was known about her was that she was a redhead, something I always found exotic, and that she loved to tit-fuck.  She also had a thing for being breast milked, so she was a perfect second in command.

From that point on, her background had to be developed.  It was established there, however, that she was to be my head of Research and Development.  She was also key in recruiting other buxom beauties for in my Inner Circle.  In fact, she was part of the story of how Sasha came to be.  I had needed an unknown  to be able to recruit women, as well as to check out certain buxom do-gooders.

At the time of Scarlett’s initial appearance, I had been part of a role play group that focused on a bunch of Hooters’ waitresses who had gotten powers, and chose not to hide their identities.  Since then, I developed her back story, via scenes and stories.  As time progressed, I used some storyline ideas to expand on her character.  A personal fantasy allowed me to develop that Scarlett had the background of a former heroine, one that was part of a team.  I had her story say that she betrayed them, and even made it seem that another member of the team had done the actual betrayal.

Not to long after that, I also decided to add to her background by saying she was the descendant of a high priestess.  With this in mind, I had developed a back story that she was on a quest to reunite the gems of the Goddess, but discovering that the main gem was in separate pieces, she knew it would be pointless in an attempt to fully restore the Goddess.

For the most part, she is very loyal to Mr. Klimstit, but I have worked into her that she is willing to break some of his rules, and accept the consequences for those actions.  She also isn’t so ambitious to betray him fully, and knows what to do if he gets taken out of commission.  She would even work to get him back into shape if he were defeated.

That is all I have for now.  As always, I ask you to subscribe, and to check out my stories and epublications.  All links to follow.  I think that next time, I shall elaborate on the role play group, as well as the appearance of one of their groups in one of my stories.

My Deviant Art page:

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A bit of the background of Scarlett

Well, again it has been a bit since I posted.  That has been because I’ve been a bit busy.  Now, since I am still waiting on the cover image for my next e-publication, I thought I’d give you a bit of insight to my loyal associate, Scarlett.

First off, while I address her as Scarlett most times, her full name is Vivian Scarlett.  Scarlett wasn’t her last original last name, but Vivian is her true first name.  She had come to my side of her own free will, and with her own reasons.

Prior to joining me, she was a member of a group of super heroines.  It was during that time that she located me, and offered to join my organization.  To do so, she betrayed her team, and even framed another member to look like she had betrayed the group.

She has proven to be very good in helping develop products in the company, and quickly rose to the head of Research and Development.  This also means that she personally takes care of any matter that requires anything questionable, able to make it look like it had a legal reason to be procured.  Since she also enjoys a good milking, she joined into my Inner Circle, but not as my original second in command.

She became my second in command when her predecessor made one too many attempts to go against certain wishes of mine.  Her loyalty, however, has allowed her to be allowed some leeway when it came to certain matters, as long as she paid for her transgressions.

She had also been instrument in recruiting other new members to the Inner Circle.  Also, with her past, she gives insight into capturing heroines, as well as what thoughts usually go through their heads.

It should be noted that Scarlett is also the current generation descended from one of the worshippers of The Goddess.  She wears a ring which has a special power for healing.  It is this ring that allows her to use her powers a bit, even when breathing in my special gas.  This gives her a special edge in the Inner Circle, one that the others respect.

Scarlett is also in charge of at least one of my legal side ventures.  It helps since in the event of my being indisposed, she can take over things until a time where I am no longer indisposed.

There is more to be known about Scarlett, but this is the basics for the time being.  Next post, I may delve into how she came about, or one of the other ladies in the Inner Circle.

As always, check out my works, and my epublications as follows, and please subscribe to my blog.

My Deviant Art page:

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

Sunday, August 16, 2015

A brief update, and a request of the readers.

Thought I’d take a few minutes to explain my latest quiet spell.  The simple truth to the matter is that I’ve been very busy.  As some of you are aware, I write stuff under two different names.  This means I have a lot of projects that I work on.  In fact, one of those projects involved getting twenty articles updated on a wikia.  This, coupled with the fact that I have a backlog on projects to get done under that other name means that some of this stuff I do here is delayed.

That aside, I must admit that I’m still waiting on a cover image for The Thief’s Folly to be completed.  Once that is done, I can get that available to all of you.

This should also explain the long delay in getting my next free story done for on Mr. X’s website, as well as the 2015 Holiday story.  While I have not abandoned either of those stories, this reminder of my own situation at home should help explain while it takes so long, and why I go quiet from time to time.  Also remember that it takes time to plot out these stories.

Well, that aside, I want to hear from those who read my blog about what you might like to hear about in the future.  I know people read it, and while they don’t subscribe, I’d like to hear from you.  So hear are the topics for upcoming Blog postings.  I want to hear from you.  The three topics:

1) How did Scarlett come to be?
2) What made you pick Azure Angel as the first heroine of Mr. X’s target?
3) What makes you pick certain heroines for certain stories?”

Please e-mail me at and let me know.  I look forward to hearing from you, and please, subscribe.

Monday, July 27, 2015

The background of Mr. Klimstit, from role play and Mr. X's universe.

With both of those teasers posted now, I feel that now I can go a bit into the background or Mr. Klimstit, and how has evolved.

With this, I shall go into his background as it has developed in what I shall refer to as the Mr. X universe.  Most of it stems from role plays, but for background purposes, it is how he has evolved.

Initially, he appeared to be a suppressed personality in a person with split personality disorder.  He was a typical guy whose darker self had a serious breast fetish.  When it came down to it, that darker half would break free once it saw a pair of bare breasts.  The bigger they were, the faster it would break free.  It also had the uncanny knack for knowing when a pair of breasts were natural.  During that time, this dark half would be in full control, and during one of those times, he met up with a heroine named Dynadame.  She had learned during that encounter that this evil side would only become dormant when it was allowed to ejaculate in pleasure due to doing something with those breasts, be it tit-fucking, receiving a blowjob when the breasts are around the shaft, or even receiving a hand job when the hard on is pointed right at the breasts.

After this encounter, this dark half developed a plan.  With uncanny knowledge of the nature of breasts, it was able to develop ways to extract breast milk, especially from super heroines.  The subject didn't even have to be pregnant to induce lactation.  It had learned that breast milk from women with superpowers carried the essence of those powers.  With a fateful encounter with Dynadame, he was able to extract enough milk to stay in control, even if this dark side orgasmed.

This dark side gained its freedom, as well as some fringe benefits.  The consumption of this milk gave the dark side some powers, which got centralized in the cock and balls.  His cum would have powers, some restorative, some hypnotic, and other powers.  This dark side also had massive control over his manhood, only shooting a load when it wanted to.  The dark half also had a perpetual hard-on, making it rather difficult to wear pants, hence the need to find another way of hiding this.

There was a trade off to this, which didn't seem to bother the dark half all that much.  Even though his cum had superpowers, it had no potency.  He literally shoot blanks.  If he were one of the run of the mill villains, ones who love rape captured heroines, he would never succeed in impregnating them, even if his captive had been given uber-fertility drugs, hit with a spell to guarantee impregnation, and she was at the right time of the month to ensure she would become pregnant.  This also leads to his only weakness.  If he were made to ejaculate unwillingly, or when he didn't have any super heroine milk left, he would go dormant again.

Knowing this, Mr. Klimstit began expanding his operations, setting up a company front, as well as giving himself a legitimate front.  This was the beginning of his pharmaceutical empire.  In a short time, his empire grew, and he sought a goal to turn the world into his version of Utopia.  He did this in secret, getting wealthy by providing cost effective medications to the public, and in secret, providing criminals with special products to put them on an even level with the super heroine population.

During the rise of his company, he found women who enjoyed his kink so much, he brought them into what he called his Inner Circle, and with their help, increased his income, while protecting his public face.  During this time, he earned new enemies, including a bunch or Hooters waitresses that found a way to be super heroines, a college student with budding powers over wind, .before coming to Delta City.

Once he came to Delta City, the perverted mastermind found himself facing off against Azure Angel.  This led to the beginning of several encounters with the bungling heroine, and eventually led to her joining forces with him.  This has allowed him to finally capture Dynadame, and later a Hooters girl that had escape one of his traps before.

Recently, one heroine had stumbled upon his one weakness.  Ms Americana had basically done it, but she was unaware of what she had done.  Using a glove that generated cold, she grabbed hold of his balls, and the cold grip triggered a massive orgasm.  Since he could not control it, and due to him using some of his funds to separate his nicer half into a separate body, he went into a coma.  The truth about his dark side, what mask him Mr. Klimstit, however, is know by Scarlett, and she is working to bring him back.

This is all the info that is currently know about Mr. Klimstit.  Maybe next time, I might go more into detail about how he separated himself from his nicer self, or I will do into the past of one of his Inner Circle members.  I hope you enjoy this, and subscribe to the blog.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The teaser for my third epublication

Well, I finished the final edit of my next epublication, and as I promised, here is a teaser for it. 

The Thief's Folly

    Many centuries ago, a legend was born.  This legend began in the dying days of the worship of The Goddess.  In those days, The Goddess of the force known as Love was worshiped by all.  Love was the guiding force uniting people together, and for many centuries, worship of the Goddess was everywhere.  Then humankind, like the nature of the male side of any creature, they hungered power, and strove for the destructive male gods to be in charge.
    Over the centuries, the various forms of the Goddess were slowly obliterated.  By the time of the Greeks and Romans, the female side was transformed into male-oriented version, and slowly phased out.  Eventually, only one version was left, and that was at one specific temple.  Those that worshiped her, and worked to keep the faith in The Goddess alive, did so in that temple.  They did this, knowing that The Goddess had another task.
    The Goddess kept the banes of humanity in check.  Each bane had a different element at it's core.  One was the element of subjugation, that determine that the female form was the strongest.  There was the perfectionist element, a bane of physical beauty, that not only accentuated the natural female beauty, but perverted it into a object that was impossible to obtain.  There was the bane of the fertility element, which tried to get all worshipers to spend every moment trying to engage in sexual intercourse in ways that would be complete successful.
    The worst of these banes was the one that was a perversion of something so basic and natural.  It was the element of life giving and health.  The bane of that element would want all women to become an equivalent of cows, eternally producing milk that had to be harvested from their breasts.  It was also subtle, knowing that if they weren’t controlled, the others elements banes could lead to destruction.

If you want to know more, keep an eye on my blog.  When it goes on sale,  I will be posting the links on here.  Also, as always, here are the links to the prior epublications.  And subscribe to the blog.  That will also help keep you up to date on what is going on.

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

Monday, July 13, 2015

As I promised, here is the first of two teasers.  This is for the Holiday Story.  A nice little lead in, if you ask me.

Everyone Gets What They Want

    December, the last month of the year.  Since the time of the Romans, it gained its name from the fact that it was tenth month of the year, the last month of the year at the time.  It is also the time of miracles.   Many noted miracles apparently happen at this time, from the Miracle of Lights according to Jewish beliefs, to the celebration of the Birth of Christ in all Christian religions.
    As time progressed, the miracles did not cease.  As recently as World War II, foes had laid down their arms, and had a peaceful Christmas dinner, and then allow their foes to go back to their own troops.  Even today, things get peaceful in families, communities, and even cities.
    Delta City is one such city.  The city was like any other place in the world as the miracle season blanketed it.  While one might expect a rise in crime as people tried to procure gifts during the gift giving season, it was actually the opposite.  In fact, even the criminal element thought it was low to steal during this time.
    Still, crime was never known to truly sleep.  There was always some sort of Holiday menace happening.  It was why all the heroines of Delta City, both native, and visiting, were on patrol.  In the past, the perversion of the Holiday figure, Psycho Santa, had struck at this time.  There was also sightings of Gremlins that only came out at this time.
    This night, however, was peacefully quiet.  It was so quiet that the major heroines decided to let the junior league continue the patrol.  This meant the collective group known as Teen Squad was on patrol.  Headed by Flag Girl, the group consisted of her, Specter Girl, GOT-Chic, Amazing Babe, Shield and Azure Angel.  They were the junior league, and no doubt they would use the opportunity to prove themselves.  In the same regard, while the senior heroines would take a night off, it was the junior squad that was stuck with missing out on Holiday fun.
    There was a reason, however, why the patrol was being long and boring for all the heroines.  Almost every villain that operated, or visited, Delta City were meeting at a nondescript building.  It was an invitation only event, and all had arrived there as discretely as possible.  Each one brought as much cash as they could get their hands on, and that was because of the promise of an one of a kind auction.
    As the group of villains all entered the largest room of the building, all the major heroines were returning to their homes.  Ms. Americana had returned to her home at Wade Manor, but had yet to get out of her costume.  The same could be said about Green Specter, GOT-Gal, Omega Woman, Champion Girl, and several other buxom heroines.  They all returned to their individual homes, or where they were staying while in Delta City.
    Normally, this would put any one of them at ease.  They would get out of their costumes, possibly at their leisure, and prepare to relax for the night.  This time, they didn‘t do that.  Each one of them found something odd in their dwellings, and while the item itself wasn't menacing in appearance, the fact that it was there was unsettling.
    The item was a gift box, and it was a big one.  In height, the box came up to her waist, and the tag on it read 'For Ms. Americana'.  It was even wrapped in paper that reflected her costume.  While a gift was usually a welcome sight, the fact that it was in the home of Brenda Wade bothered the heroine.
    This was the same at the homes of various other heroines.  At the home of Axanna Morgan, Green Specter had arrived to find a package wrapped in green wrapping paper, with her insignia on it.  It almost looked out of place next to the menorah.  Likewise, in the dwelling of Amanda Greer, there was a similar present decked out in wrapping paper reflecting the costume of Lady Midnight, right near the Kwanzaa Kinara.  Even in the dwellings of all the agents of B.A.B.E., a similar box could be found.  It was a one of the only times that Holiday gifts were unsettling.

Again, any questions you ask, I will endeavor to answer.  If you don’t ask them or comment here, send me an e-mail at:

That being said, check out where you can find my stuff, and if you haven’t picked up a copy of my epublications, check all the links below.

My Deviant Art page:

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

Friday, July 10, 2015

An update on two writing projects.

Well, well, well.  I have been busy since my last memo.  As you can probably guess, this has been mostly due to writing.  In fact, the big news consists of two items.

First off, I have finished proofreading The Thief’s Folly.  That means I shall be doing the final edit very soon.  Once I get at least the first page edited, I shall share that as a teaser for The Thief’s Folly.  Also, I am announcing now that the story will introduce three new characters that I hope to include in the same universe that The Adventures of Aquamarine are set in.  All I will say is that a new heroine will be entered into the mythos, a new villainess, and a grey area character.

Second, I’ve finally typed up a small bit for my Holiday Story for on Mr. X’s website.  It is entitled Everybody Gets What They Want, and possibly for the first time, someone specifies the possible religious background of some of Mr. X’s heroines.  Now, this is just speculation, and Mr. X himself even stated that he has not specified a holiday practice for his heroines, and has assumed a default of them all taking part in the Christmas holiday.  If he states otherwise by the time the story is ready, I will change it in accordance.

That is all for this posting, but be watchful.  Teasers should pop up before a week passes.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Who, exactly, is Mr. Klimstit?

I thought that with this posting, I would explain who I am a bit more, or more accurately, who Mr. Klimstit is, and how he came about.  The origins of Mr. Klimstit is long and rich, and he came about over a decade ago.

He actually started as a characters created for role play scenarios.  Back in the days when Yahoo had chat rooms, I had become interested in the role play chat rooms, and being an adult, those were the ones that were interesting.  Since I was also interested in comics, it was only natural to go to the rooms that featured superheroes and villains.

During that time, being the person I am, I would check profiles.  This is wise, since you never know if a person is lying about their gender or age.  Some role-players would put preferences in their profiles, and at that time, I had honestly seen a lot of heroines state they weren't looking for just a sex scene.  Now, in all honesty, this could be interpreted as a scene that is not just sex, or a scene that has sex in it.  To this end, I had decided to go with something that was a fetish of mine, or linked to another fetish of mine.  This ended up being the breast fiend that has become a standard for me.

From this point on, Mr. Klimstit started to come about.  Initially, he was a dark side to me, one that only came out when a woman‘s breasts were exposed.  He was also fixated on the natural function of breasts, and this was in part due to the fact that it is an erotic peril that doesn’t see enough action.  This dark side also wouldn‘t go away until he shoot a load all over her breasts.  Eventually, as time, and my skills, progressed, the scenes got more elaborate.  The scenes started to become part of a bigger storyline, and this dark side became a entity all its own..

Eventually, from these scenes with certain role players, Mr. Klimstit finally evolved into what he is now.  He is obsessed with breasts, and their natural function, and seeing the world become his perverted version of utopia.  The first part was, however, to make sure he stays out.  This was handled with the help of one role player, where her breast milk was key to Mr. Klimstit becoming a force to be reckoned with.  Consuming that milk also had an effect on Mr. Klimstit, giving a perpetual hard-on, as well as cum that has superpowers.  Those powers came with a trade off, that being he literally shoots blanks.  He would need some outside, powerfully magical source to enable him to impregnate a heroine.  This is why Mr. Klimstit doesn‘t rape the heroines he captures, at least not in the way we typically associate with that word.  It also goes with my avoidance with doing that in a scene.  He also doesn‘t do it since I strive to keep him unique in the erotic villain category.

Due to the love of a continuing storyline, Mr. Klimstit also doesn‘t like to end a heroine‘s career.  In his mind, that means not impregnating a heroine, not keeping her prisoner for an indefinite amount of time, not ruining her figure, especially the breasts, and definitely not killing her.  This also allow me to develop his use of hypnotic powers to make heroines forget what happened, as well as his need of a good public relations person.  The only time he ruins a heroine, or female figure, is if I view it is essential to a storyline.  Look at the stories, and you will see very few female face endings.

Until December of 2006, Mr. Klimstit developed in role play into the figure he was, with a scene formula that worked.  Lure the heroine in, capture the heroine and expose her breasts, tease and torment them until she begs to be milked, milk her breasts, then restore them, and make her forget.  Most times, the scenes would happen at night, when I as the only one up, or when I was the only one home.  Then in December 2006, I became a father, which meant Mr. Klimstit would need a new outlet, since there was less time for things.

This also coincided with another factor.  Most of my mainstream writing, which was aimed for a more standard audience, had mature themes mixing into them.  I needed to get those out of those works, and since chances of role play had diminished greatly, I had decided now was the time that Mr. Klimstit should go into stories, and I picked the perfect group of characters.  The ladies of the universe created by Mr. X.  I even started with a character who seemed like an underdog, Azure Angel.  She was an equivalent to the heroines the role player would use, and her relatively blank slate allow me to keep Mr. Klimstit true to his role play roots.  From that point on, he developed more in the stories, character wise, than he did in role play.

As of now, Mr. Klimstit remains on of my favorite characters to write for, and the evolutions that came about in both role play and stories make him a joy to write for.  While his perils are sometimes little appreciated, the stories and scenes he is usually in are often rich in storyline.

What will the next memo provide?  Maybe a background of Mr. Klimstit‘s character?  Maybe a teaser for The Thief‘s Folly?  Maybe something else?  We‘ll see what comes from the board room desk.  .

Again, any questions you ask, I will endeavor to answer.  If you don’t ask them on comments here, send me an e-mail at:

That being said, check out where you can find my stuff, and if you haven’t picked up a copy of my epublications, check all the links below.

My Deviant Art page:

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Quick update on The Thief's Folly

Well, thanks to a good deal of perseverance, I was able to get the rough draft of my next epublication, The Thief’s Folly,  done.  Now the less time consuming part of proof reading.  Still, I should let you know that this next installment of The Adventures of Aquamarine will feature a few new characters.  Another heroine, two villainesses, and a new associate of Mr. Klimstit.  I also hope to hear from readers after it, since I’m sure they might like to see these new characters more.

That is all for now.

Again, any questions you ask, I will endeavor to answer.  If you don’t ask them on comments here, send me an e-mail at:

That being said, check out where you can find my stuff, and if you haven’t picked up a copy of my epublications, check all the links below.

My Deviant Art page:

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

An update on the next epublication.

Well, my first posting has received many views, and since I have made serious progress on the rough draft for The Thief’s Folly, I hope that this posting provides some feedback.

I am hoping that over the next few days, I will have the rough draft complete, and that means proofreading will follow.  Those who already know me know that I have a system when it comes to writing.  Step 1 is always planning, and for my works under this name, that is done on a single Index card.  I know it seems like a small space for what I type up, but it fills the bill nicely.  The planning is always basic stuff.  Step 2 is writing out a rough draft, which is the real time consuming part.  Step 3 is proofreading, which involves some serious old school style, printing it out, and hand editing.  Step 4 is the final draft, and shorting afterwards publishing or submitting.  This is why it takes a while for you to see my work.

On a side note, I have also posted PDF files of my first ten stories for Mr. X’s site up on Deviant Art.  Soon, I will start doing the last few stories, as well as the Halloween stories.  It will take time, but I will get them up.  Anyone who visits my DA page will notice that the new stories are accompanied by bust shots of some of the featured females in the story.  Soon, some of the stories that were divided into two parts will be removed from there, which is in part why I started the PDF conversion.

Now I wish to make an announcement here.  When the third epublication comes out, I will be offering readers a chance to decide on the course of the next ebook.  Will it follow Aquamarine, or will it follow a new figure in the series.  Also, there will be a fledging Villainess in the epublication that may be worth bring around for another story.  I will share more on this when it is epublished.

Again, I want to thank all those who have viewed the first posting, and those who read this one as well.  I want to see some communications from you.  I’m certain some of you have questions about what I write, why I pick certain figures, and might even have some suggestions.  I want to answer some of those questions.  I’m sure some of you wonder, ‘How did you come up with Mr. Klimstit?’ or ‘Why did you start with Azure Angel?’.  Any questions you ask, I will endeavor to answer.  If you don’t ask them on comments here, send me an e-mail at:

That being said, check out where you can find my stuff, and if you haven’t picked up a copy of my epublications, check all the links below.

My Deviant Art page:

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The first memo from the desk of Mr. Klimstit.

I’ve debated doing this, and apparently Dark One and Mr. X think this is a good idea, so I’m starting this blog as a way to keep people updated on the progress of my various projects.  Well, at least the ones that I write under this pen name.  There are very few, but I will also, if there are any, answer questions about my stories, and even if some of you are so inclined, fan art, I will respond to such, and post such, here on my blog.  All that aside, let me address the free stuff first.

First off, there is the eighteenth story for Mr. X’s website.  It’s title is Paying the Debts, and will feature Hexanna, Texas Star, and a group that is a parody of the Sailor Senshi, or Sailor Scouts.  It will feature a resolution to the events that ended the last story.  I know this story has taken time to get to even this point, and that has been due to a very hectic year.  Right now, the rough draft is close to halfway done.  I do hope to complete it before the year is out.

Second, there is the Holiday story for 2015.  This story is all planned out, and I hope to soon start typing it up.  What I can fully reveal is the title, which is Everybody Gets What They Want.  This story will feature almost every heroine Mr. X has thought up, as well as every villain that Mr. X has thought up, but the main stars will be the group known as Teen Squad, which I can confirm as Amazing Babe, Shield, Flag Girl, Azure Angel, Specter Girl, and GOT-Chic.  If I’m mistaken about the members, I’m sure Mr. X will politely correct me.

That covers the free work.  Now I shall give you a run down on the next epublication, which is the current focus of my attention right now.  It is going to be entitled The Thief’s Folly, and feature Aquamarine facing off against Mr. Klimstit, as well as another figure.  If you have noticed that my prior epublications seem to mirror the stuff I have on Mr. X’s website, well, I use them as my base line.  The backgrounds, and stories within vary greatly from the stories on Mr. X’s site.  This one will feature background information that was introduce in later stories on Mr. X’s site, but with different spins on them.  Some fates will play out differently as well, and allow me to change up certain things.  Hell, it is a different universe than the ones featured on Mr. X’s website.

With those items covered, I want to discuss events going on Deviant Art.  As some of you are well aware, I post my stories on Deviant Art as well.  This was done with Mr. X’s blessing.  In the beginning, all I shared were text files, but in the past month, I have been replacing them with PDF files, featuring preview images that are bust shots of the female stars of the story.  I do my best to make sure the bust shots are created from Mr X’s free works, so I do not infringe on anything that is sold in his store.  As of the moment of the blog posting, I have removed the first four stories in text format, and have the first nine stories up in PDF format.

That basically covers everything.  I’ll try and keep things updated on a weekly basis, as best I can.  If you have read my free stuff, and didn’t know about my epublications, follow the links provided.  Subscribe if you want to keep up to date.  If you want help in anyway, like scripting for images, drop me a line.  I’ve done a few scripts for some people.  And feel free to add a link to my blog if you are in the community, and share it with those who have similar interests.