Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The teaser for my third epublication

Well, I finished the final edit of my next epublication, and as I promised, here is a teaser for it. 

The Thief's Folly

    Many centuries ago, a legend was born.  This legend began in the dying days of the worship of The Goddess.  In those days, The Goddess of the force known as Love was worshiped by all.  Love was the guiding force uniting people together, and for many centuries, worship of the Goddess was everywhere.  Then humankind, like the nature of the male side of any creature, they hungered power, and strove for the destructive male gods to be in charge.
    Over the centuries, the various forms of the Goddess were slowly obliterated.  By the time of the Greeks and Romans, the female side was transformed into male-oriented version, and slowly phased out.  Eventually, only one version was left, and that was at one specific temple.  Those that worshiped her, and worked to keep the faith in The Goddess alive, did so in that temple.  They did this, knowing that The Goddess had another task.
    The Goddess kept the banes of humanity in check.  Each bane had a different element at it's core.  One was the element of subjugation, that determine that the female form was the strongest.  There was the perfectionist element, a bane of physical beauty, that not only accentuated the natural female beauty, but perverted it into a object that was impossible to obtain.  There was the bane of the fertility element, which tried to get all worshipers to spend every moment trying to engage in sexual intercourse in ways that would be complete successful.
    The worst of these banes was the one that was a perversion of something so basic and natural.  It was the element of life giving and health.  The bane of that element would want all women to become an equivalent of cows, eternally producing milk that had to be harvested from their breasts.  It was also subtle, knowing that if they weren’t controlled, the others elements banes could lead to destruction.

If you want to know more, keep an eye on my blog.  When it goes on sale,  I will be posting the links on here.  Also, as always, here are the links to the prior epublications.  And subscribe to the blog.  That will also help keep you up to date on what is going on.

The Hidden Truth (Book 1 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

The Wrong Address (Book 2 of The Adventures of Aquamarine)

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